Kremas Grenadya 750 ml


Kremas Grenadya is a deliciously crafted Haitian cream liqueur that brings a touch of the Caribbean to every sip. Made with smooth coconut cream, warm spices, premium Haitian rum, and a hint of tropical grenadine (“grenadya” meaning pomegranate or grenadine in Creole), this creamy liqueur offers a unique and refreshing sweetness. Perfect for celebrations or as an after-dinner treat, Kremas Grenadya captures the heart and warmth of Haitian holiday traditions in a single, velvety glass.

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Kremas Grenadya: A Taste of Haitian Tradition

Kremas Grenadya is a deliciously crafted Haitian cream liqueur that brings a touch of the Caribbean to every sip. Made with smooth coconut cream, warm spices, premium Haitian rum, and a hint of tropical grenadine (“grenadya” meaning pomegranate or grenadine in Creole), this creamy liqueur offers a unique and refreshing sweetness. Perfect for celebrations or as an after-dinner treat, Kremas Grenadya captures the heart and warmth of Haitian holiday traditions in a single, velvety glass.


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